Thursday, April 12, 2007

A triumphant return!!

And do we have some weird stuff for you folks! An unnamed man from an unnamed Eastern European country (I'm going to guess Romania, just because stuff like this always ends up being from Romania) has an unnamed horrible skin disease. (The doctors there think it may be Lewandowsky-Lutz disease, but really, what do Romanian doctors know anyway?*) This stuff is really freaky-- makes you wish you were a dermatologist, doesn't it? I know I wish I could get in there with my pliers and cauterizing equipment and fix it all.

Anyway, here's the story: Bizarre skin condition in Eastern Europe Check out those pics!

*Note: I'm just kidding. I love Romanians, really I do.

EDIT: Apparently those crazy Eastern Europeans were on to something! The disease in question is, indeed, Lewandowsky-Lutz.

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