Thursday, July 12, 2012


Welcome to the new and improved Horrible Things that Happen to People.

Here, you will find tons of true (and maybe a few iffy) gruesome stories about medical oddities, weird diseases, survival stories, freak accidents, violent crimes, and other horrible things that happen to people.  This is the type of stuff I love, and I would like to share my delightful discoveries I find during my light bedtime reading with the world.  I'll also include reviews of books, movies, television shows, and more that focus on horrible things that happen to people.

As a friend of mine quipped, "the entire internet should be this."

A quick note on what this blog is not:

This blog is not intended to poke fun at any disease, condition, or other happenstance.  I only name full names when the information is readily available in mass media, and do not mean to insult anyone.  That being said, I am not trying to pretend that I have only altruistic goals and merely strive to "inform" the public to "raise awareness."  Let's be honest.  If you are reading this, you have the same sick morbid fascination with this stuff as I do.  People like us can't look away; it enthralls us.  We need to know more.  So I compile these stories from all over the internet and other media.  For our sick entertainment.  We read them for the same reason drivers slow down to look at a crash-- morbid curiosity, pure and simple.

That being said, I do feel very guilty about making a blog for entertainment's sake that focuses on the suffering of others.  So whenever I can, I will post links for more information, to raise that awareness incidentally.  And if there is one, I will also post a link to a charity that helps any related causes.

Speaking of charities, many of the causes that need help are not super rare or exciting diseases.  And some of the most horrible things that happen to people can be quite banal.  So I close this opening post with a list of links to charities supporting causes that I personally feel very strongly about. Be the Match bone marrow donor registry.  There is no reason to not be a donor. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society American Cancer Society National Mental Health Association/ Mental Health America Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.  Funds research in depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, anxiety disorders, Alzheimer's, and more.

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