Friday, December 15, 2006

The Hunger

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted, and it's finals week, which can only mean one thing-- a double post!! Hurrah!

Way up there on my list of "Ways I don't want to go" is this one (straight out of Hannibal)-- being eaten alive by pigs.

A three-year-old boy near New Delhi walked off from his family November 29th. A little later, his mother noticed some pigs chewing on something.

Then she recognized her son's clothing.

Only the son's limbs were recovered.

You can read the story here.

Also, I posted about Marlie Casseus in the previous entry. If you'd like to read about her progress, see pictures from after her latest surgery, or donate to the charity that sponsored her surgery, you can go to her page at the International Kids' Fund.

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