Sunday, November 05, 2006

From the frontlines...

So my roommate works at a center here in town where she deals with tenants in their dealings with their landlords. She, knowing my love for horrible things that happen to people, brings home this story:

A young couple rent an apartment. They need the place right away, so they go through all the contracts, etc. pretty quickly and don't have the place checked out. I mean, why would you need to? Their first night everything is uneventful, and they go to bed.

The next morning they are rushed to the emergency room.

So what happened? Turns out there was a fireplace which had become blocked or some such, and they had a case of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. The doctors at the ER said that if they'd stayed home for as little as two hours more, they most likely would have died. The problem could be fixed, and a carbon monoxide detector could be installed, but the couple isn't crazy about coming back to live in a place that almost killed them. I can't blame them, myself.

For more on carbon monoxide poisoning, go here. Also, I remind you that this is different from carbon dioxide poisoning, which I mentioned in this post.

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